Motivation Institute - The power and influence that enables you to achieve
Motivation Institute

Motivation Institute Championship Performace Life Course

The Championship Performance 26 Week Life Course, teaches you to invest in your life and in your future. Each week you will learn new ways to do the things that you want to do. By the time you have completed this course, you will define purpose, understand principles, and possess skills, that will benefit you through out your life. Each section in this course progressively moves from one step to the next. It supports developmental assets in areas of: belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity.
Week #
Lesson Title
Key Issues
Week 1
Take a Risk
Believe In Yourself
Greatness, achievement, purpose, Self-Perception, Self-Esteem, personal dreams and motivation.
Week 2
Take a Risk
Championship Performance Fundamentals
Performance formula: Ability+Principles+Skills=Performance; Natural Law; Individual Accountability; Self-Discipline; Goal Setting.
Week 3
Take a Risk
The Reality of Reality
Reality, Perception, Truth; Family Communication, Decision Making
Week 4
Evaluation and Goal Setting
Take a Risk
Week 5
Take Time
Getting to know and learning from the experts. Observe; Advise; Coach.
Week 6
Take Time
Personal Leadership Part 1
Perception, purpose, priorities, principles, perspective, and projection.
Week 7
Take Time
Personal Leadership Part 2
Life Balance - mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, social, community support, family.
Week 8
Evaluation and Goal Setting
Take Time
Week 9
Take Control
Time, Life, and Money Management
Organization Skills
Week 10
Take Control
Human Energy
Energy fields and frequencies
Week 11
Take Control
Addiction and other Critical Issues
Internal and external behavior influences, drug and alcohol abuse, low self-esteem, violence, crime, suicide, diagnosed behavior disorders, anxiety, depression, pre-marital sex & pregnancy, truancy, illiteracy, dropping out of school, individual and family dysfunction.
Week 12
Evaluation and Goal Setting
Take Control
Week 13
Take In
Champions for Life
Attitude and Action Qualities
Week 14
Take In
It's not what happens to you, it's what you do about it.
Week 15
Take In
School Success
Attitude, Academics, Attendance.
Week 16
Evaluation and Goal Setting
Take In
Week 17
Take Action
Generate Excellence
Excellence and quality
Week 18
Take Action
Winning at Work Part 1
Three fundamental skills for success on the job.
Week 19
Take Action
Winning at Work Part 2
Three fundamental skills for success on the job.
Week 20
Evaluation and Goal Setting
Take Action
Week 21
Take Off
Fill the Measure of Your Creation
Happiness and joy; Connecting with yourself and others.
Week 22
Take Off
Life Vision
What is the "Big Picture"
Week 23
Take Off
A Repeated Action...
Week 24
Take Off
Agenda for the Future
Strategic Life Plan
Week 25
Take Off
Give Life
Week 26
Evaluation and Goal Setting
Take Off
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Arp - Addiction Recovery Program
One-on-one Life Coaching
Championship Performance Life Course

Championship Performance Life Course Survey
"If we in this nation continue to sow the images of murder, violence, drug abuse,...perversion, [and pornography] before the eyes of millions of children, year after year and day after day, we should not be surprised if the foundations of our society rot away as if from leprosy."
- Senator Robert D. Byrd